Ginger Chicken Curry | Slimming World Friendly Recipe
This ginger chicken curry is full of flavour, light, creamy and simply delicious! It is the perfect batch cook recipe...
This ginger chicken curry is full of flavour, light, creamy and simply delicious! It is the perfect batch cook recipe...
This better than takeaway chicken fried rice has yummy moist and tender chicken and rice cooked together. Create your perfect...
This vegan jackfruit curry is entirely plant based, but don’t let that put you off. The jackfruit gives it a...
Chicken chow mein is probably already one of your favourite and most delicious Chinese dishes. This recipe uses just one...
When it comes to cosy nights in, nothing quite beats a fakeaway. Save money, cook from scratch and impress the...
Spice up your Christmas leftovers with this stunning leftover turkey curry. A delicious aromatic curry of cooked turkey, onions and...
This easy and delicious Slow Cooked Chicken Bhuna is perfect on those busy days where you just need to chuck...
It’s time to add a little flavour to your weeknight dinner routine, Slow Cooker Butter Chicken style! The delicious, creamy...
When you are staring at a fridge full of left over vegetables and fancy a healthy, quick and simple meal this one is for you. It only uses two pans, no fancy ingredients and it’s much healthier than a takeaway version. If you are thinking about creating a Chinese fakeaway night this would be a fantastic addition.
These breaded chicken strips are literally life changing! The secret to crunchy golden chicken is to toast the bread first before turning into breadcrumbs. The whole family will love this recipe and it’s fun to make too. This unofficial recipe is perfect for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.
Everything you love about a deluxe pizza without all of the calories. With flavours like pepperoni, beef, onion and plenty of cheese in a kiddo-friendly Slimming World friendly compatible pasta recipe, ready in 55 minutes. What’s not to love?! This unofficial recipe is perfect for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.