Mexican Pulled Chicken | Slimming World Friendly Recipe
Indulge in the vibrant flavours of Mexican cuisine with our “Slimming World-Friendly Mexican Pulled Chicken” recipe. This savoury and tender...
Indulge in the vibrant flavours of Mexican cuisine with our “Slimming World-Friendly Mexican Pulled Chicken” recipe. This savoury and tender...
These delicious carrot muffins are not too sweet, are really soft, moist and have just the perfect amount of spice....
This Carrot and Lentil soup is super cheap to make as well as easy to create and healthy too. It’s...
Delicious Syn Free roasted red pepper and tomato soup is a blend of red peppers, tomatoes, onions, garlic and basil....
This Vegan Lemon Rice Soup recipe is absolutely delicious and so easy to make! It’s comforting, quick and loaded with...
The best ever creamy and delicious vegan potato leek soup. This soup is hearty, comforting, filling and satisfying and you...
This cozy winter warmer will feed the whole family on a budget whilst keeping on plan. Chicken and broccoli pasta...
These slow cooker chicken fajitas are so vibrant with colour and full of fresh flavours. It’s like a Mexican party...
These Low Syn unofficial Slimming World friendly pasta crisps (or chips for my American followers) are absolutely delicious and full...
When you are staring at a fridge full of left over vegetables and fancy a healthy, quick and simple meal this one is for you. It only uses two pans, no fancy ingredients and it’s much healthier than a takeaway version. If you are thinking about creating a Chinese fakeaway night this would be a fantastic addition.
Made with simple ingredients, this easy and quick to make homemade vegetarian Tomato Orzo Soup is a delicious, hearty and healthy meal. This unofficial recipe is perfect for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.