Cauliflower Sweet Potato Curry | Vegan Slimming World Friendly Recipe
This cauliflower sweet pootato curry is a quick, easy and comforting vegan meal loaded with spicy goodness. If you aren’t...
This cauliflower sweet pootato curry is a quick, easy and comforting vegan meal loaded with spicy goodness. If you aren’t...
A beautiful delicious buttery oozy crispy air fryer cheese toastie with thick pumpkin seed bread, perfectly melted cheese and ham to finish...
This Carrot and Lentil soup is super cheap to make as well as easy to create and healthy too. It’s...
The best ever creamy and delicious vegan potato leek soup. This soup is hearty, comforting, filling and satisfying and you...
Pasta bake is always a bit of a crowd pleaser, and this one is no exception. I always find pasta...
This cozy winter warmer will feed the whole family on a budget whilst keeping on plan. Chicken and broccoli pasta...
The ultimate in warming scrumptious comfort food, this super easy slow cooker mac and cheese recipe is creamy, cheesy, and...
This Red cabbage and potato soup is a delicious and beautiful blend that’s also gluten-free. This creamy soup is a...
If you are looking for a quick and easy breakfast that will cook whilst you are asleep this recipe is...
One of the benefits of making homemade custard is that you can control exactly what goes into it. This recipe is much lower in sugar than most supermarket bought custard and of course low in Syns too.
This unofficial Slimming World friendly recipe is healthy, delicious and full of flavour. It is so quick and easy to make too.. do your kids hate sprouts? Mine do but they love this soup! Little weirdos… Give it a try!