Beef Bourguignon | Slimming World Friendly Recipe 
The flavour of this beef bourguignon recipe is deep, rich, and beyond delicious. Beef Bourguignon is really just a fancy...
The flavour of this beef bourguignon recipe is deep, rich, and beyond delicious. Beef Bourguignon is really just a fancy...
Super easy freezer friendly recipes for everyone. Everything from pastas to soup and beyond, these unofficial freezable Slimming World recipes...
Spice up your Christmas leftovers with this stunning leftover turkey curry. A delicious aromatic curry of cooked turkey, onions and...
This easy and delicious Slow Cooked Chicken Bhuna is perfect on those busy days where you just need to chuck...
The ultimate in warming scrumptious comfort food, this super easy slow cooker mac and cheese recipe is creamy, cheesy, and...
These slow cooker chicken fajitas are so vibrant with colour and full of fresh flavours. It’s like a Mexican party...
This Red cabbage and potato soup is a delicious and beautiful blend that’s also gluten-free. This creamy soup is a...
Delicious tender yoghurt marinated chicken. Made with chicken breast (or chicken thighs if you are more of a thigh person) that...
Delicious and easy to make rich and rustic slow cooker spaghetti bolognese, with a sauce packed with so much flavour...
If you are looking for a quick and easy breakfast that will cook whilst you are asleep this recipe is...
It’s time to add a little flavour to your weeknight dinner routine, Slow Cooker Butter Chicken style! The delicious, creamy...