Creamy Feta Pasta | Slimming World Friendly Recipe
This TikTok craze feta pasta recipe is ridiculously easy to make and tastes so good. Fresh, delicious and full of...
This TikTok craze feta pasta recipe is ridiculously easy to make and tastes so good. Fresh, delicious and full of...
A classic creamy garlic mushroom sauce tossed with pasta to make a quick, simple and satisfying meal.This unofficial recipe is perfect for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.
Delicious, filling and full of flavour this Cheesy Chicken pasta bake will feed the whole family. Warm, winter comfort food at its best! This unofficial recipe is perfect for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.
These vegetarian aubergine bites with chickpeas are incredibly delicious. They are fun to make and even the kids will love getting involved. This unofficial recipe is the perfect snack for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.
Simple Lemon Pasta features tender pasta tossed with a tangy garlic lemon sauce, parsley and real butter for a delicious quick and easy pasta dish! This unofficial recipe is perfect for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.
This easy lamb rice pilaf is easy to make and turns out perfect every time! It’s so quick and simple to make that you will be craving it regularly. This unofficial recipe is perfect for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.
This bright delicious asparagus soup tastes rich and creamy, yet it’s made without cream. This unofficial recipe is perfect for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.
This delicious leek and potato soup is SO rich and velvety, you won’t believe it’s Slimming friendly without any cream. But most importantly, you won’t believe how deeply satisfying, cosy and comforting it is.
This light and creamy broccoli, courgette and kale soup is the perfect way to make sure you are packing in plenty of veggies. Oh it’s a great way to get veggies in the kiddos too! Ready in just 35 minutes this delicious healthy soup will keep you full for longer too. This unofficial recipe is perfect for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.
A simple, stress-free mushroom risotto, that requires no complicated techniques, healthy, low fat and still tastes authentic. Ready in less than 35 minutes, with minimal prep this is an ideal recipe for a midweek dinner the whole family will love!! This unofficial recipe is perfect for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.
A delicious Moroccan pumpkin soup with chickpeas which makes a great alternative to a typical pumpkin soup. Full of flavour and only 165 calories per serving. This unofficial recipe is perfect for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.