Pesto Stuffed Chicken Breast In Bacon | Slimming World Recipe
This stuffed chicken in bacon recipe is amazing. It is absolutely perfect for a family meal or to impress people...
This stuffed chicken in bacon recipe is amazing. It is absolutely perfect for a family meal or to impress people...
I love putting these loaded potato skins together as a starter, they go down so well at a dinner with...
Try this Syn Free Spaghetti Bolognese a must have weeknight family favourite with rich delicious flavours. So quick and easy...
These are the ultimate Syn Free* beef burgers. They are packed with flavour and reliably juicy, even when cooked to...
I put together this fantastic pasta tonight mainly from what I had lingering in the kitchen and it was delicious...
A proper delicious winter warmer comfort meal. Lashings of tomato sauce and beef mince layered with butternut squash lasagna sheets....
Delicious chunks of tender beef in a rich and spicy sauce served over a bed of rice. This Beef Curry...
Savour the Flavour: Slow Cooker Chilli Con Carne, a Slimming World Delight Get ready to embark on a culinary journey...
A hearty Slimming World friendly five bean chilli is the perfect store cupboard dinner. Healthy, rich and full of flavour, it’s perfect for colder days. Serve on its own, heaped onto a baked potato, or with rice. This delicious Syn Free recipe is easy to make and comes together quickly as it uses tinned beans.
Savour the Italian Classic, the Slimming World Way: Spaghetti Carbonara Experience the heartwarming taste of Italy in a healthier, Slimming...
This quick and easy meal is absolutely delicious with a bit of a kick.. swap mince for beef strips and try something new. Syn Free* when following the Slimming world plan and only 267 calories per serving too.