One of the ingredients I cook with on a regular basis is Chicken. It’s low in fat, high in protein...
One of the ingredients I cook with on a regular basis is Chicken. It’s low in fat, high in protein...
These crispy low syn Chicken tenders are coated in cornflakes to create the perfect KFC Chicken Fakeaway. They are quick, simple and easy to make, not forgetting tasty for all of the family.
Whether you are looking to avoid red meat or looking for a recipe full of protein. This juicy turkey burger...
Delicious Chicken Korma.. Completely Syn free on the Slimming World plan. Mild and Creamy with a touch of spice, chicken korma is perfect for the whole family. Make my recipe this weekends fakeaway treat.
Delicious chicken and bacon in a creamy sauce. Many years ago (20 to be precise) when I first left home...
A quick and easy Syn free Chicken Tikka. The perfect Slimming World recipe. I love a curry but I hate the...
Chicken, Lemon and Asparagus Stir Fry.. completely Syn free and absolutely delicious…. I am adding this amazing Syn free recipe...
This Cheeky Nando’s recipe is completely Slimming World friendly. Feel free to give the full meal a go or pick...
This tasty Slimming World friendly Creamy Mushroom Sauce is great served with just about anything – steaks, meatballs, chicken, pork,...
This Delicious Syn free chicken and asparagus risotto is quick and easy to make. It is full of flavour and...
This Syn Free Hungarian Paprika Infused Chicken Goulash recipe is full of spice and flavour.. Serve alongside rice or your...