One of the ingredients I cook with on a regular basis is Chicken. It’s low in fat, high in protein...
One of the ingredients I cook with on a regular basis is Chicken. It’s low in fat, high in protein...
Delicious Chicken Korma.. Completely Syn free on the Slimming World plan. Mild and Creamy with a touch of spice, chicken korma is perfect for the whole family. Make my recipe this weekends fakeaway treat.
It’s BBQ season here and these Piri Piri pork kebabs wowed the whole family tonight and they were so easy...
Egg Muffins with Bacon and Spinach make a great breakfast, lunch, or a snack to pack up for work, school,...
If you haven’t heard of Tom Kerridge.. where have you been? This man is a TRUE inspiration! I am gaining...
Curries are a great way to create Syn Free meals on the Slimming World plan that all of the family...
This was spicy spicy hot hot.. so next time I will be cutting down on the Chilli!! So if you...
Following Slimming World does not mean we have to go without.. these delicious speedy Chocolate covered strawberries make a low...
Due to my hubby being a pretty amazing baker we created this amazing recipe today and it’s absolutely delicious! The...
I love a fresh Caesar salad on a hot summers day.. and it doesn’t have to be full of syns....
Welcome to a culinary journey that combines the vibrant flavours of Spain with the health-conscious approach of Slimming World. Our...