Tomato Pasta/Pizza Sauce | Slimming World Friendly Recipe
This quick and easy Syn Free Pasta/Pizza sauce is a homemade staple for any Slimming World follower. It’s easy to...
This quick and easy Syn Free Pasta/Pizza sauce is a homemade staple for any Slimming World follower. It’s easy to...
Love them or hate them, mushy peas are a British staple served with fish and chips or pie and mash!...
Aloo gobi is an type of Indian curry made with potato and cauliflower. It’s ready in 30 minutes and 100%...
A delicious version of what you might find from your local Chinese takeout. This Beef with Black bean sauce is...
Delicious easy to make sour dough based pizza base with lashings of tomato sauce and tasty mozzarella. Healthy, skinny pizza worth every bite.
A hearty Slimming World friendly five bean chilli is the perfect store cupboard dinner. Healthy, rich and full of flavour, it’s perfect for colder days. Serve on its own, heaped onto a baked potato, or with rice. This delicious Syn Free recipe is easy to make and comes together quickly as it uses tinned beans.
This quick and easy meal is absolutely delicious with a bit of a kick.. swap mince for beef strips and try something new. Syn Free* when following the Slimming world plan and only 267 calories per serving too.
Ditch the deep fryer in favor of this quick and easy recipe for Crispy Baked Onion Rings. Syn free, delicious and perfect for the Slimming World follower.
Delicious spicy chicken fajitas, completely Syn Free* when following the Slimming World plan. Lean, healthy and a hit with all of the family.
A comforting and simple cottage pie recipe, syn free, full of healthy speed foods and perfect for that warming mid week family meal. This unofficial recipe is perfect for any one following Slimming World, Weight Watchers or a calorie controlled diet.
Discover a guilt-free delight with our Chicken and Bacon Pasta, designed to elevate your Slimming World journey. Indulge in creamy, savoury goodness without compromising on flavour. This recipe boasts tender chicken, smoky lean bacon, and a velvety, low-fat sauce. Enjoy the comfort of pasta while staying true to your healthy lifestyle – proving that wholesome eating can be delicious and satisfying.